What is your next right step?

If you would like to call Zion • Clear Lake your home church and want to know how to get more involved in our church, we encourage you to consider proclaiming your faith publicly by being baptized, becoming a church member, and serving in any number of ways. Take a look below to learn more about each.


Baptism is one of the two sacraments we celebrate here at Zion. This holy sacrament welcomes the child being baptized into God's family. In it, God's word and the element of water are used to proclaim in a tangible way God's free gifts of grace and forgiveness. Baptism is a very special time in the life of an individual and this community of faith.

What does "sacrament" mean?
A sacrament is a ritual action using something ordinary (like water or bread and wine), which, when connected to scripture and promised-filled words of Jesus, becomes a means of grace--a means of conveying God's favor or blessing to us.
What is Baptism?  
The word comes from a greek word "baptisma" that means "dipping of water" or "washing". Baptism unites us with Christ and makes us children of God.  
Why baptize little ones?
So we might come to know Christ and his gifts for what they are—our own, through all that life might bring. God mandates through the instruction of Jesus Christ to "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). When children are old enough to understand and take their own decisions, they affirm their baptism by going through confirmation, where they take the promises their parents made for them at baptism and make those promises for themselves. Baptism does not 'save' you;  only your faith in Christ does that.      
What is a Sponsor? (commonly called a God-parent)
A sponsor is someone who serves in a partnership with parents to nurture the child in their christian faith. A sponsor does not need to be a relative but someone who will help your child grow in their spiritual journey. A sponsor will pray for the child regularly, model love, care, and a Christ-centered faith for the child, encourage and assist the child in his/her relationship with Christ, and be a regular presence in the life of the child.  

If you have any questions, please contact info@zionclearlake.org.

First Communion

We want to celebrate what Jesus has done for us on the cross, and we want to help our kids understand this through the sacrament of Holy Communion.

We will have a class for any of our kids who will take part in Communion. This class takes place during ZKids programming the week leading up to the First Communion service.

Typically during Maundy Thursday of Holy Week, we invite kids of any age to participate in Communion for the first time as they continue to grow in their faith.

If you have any questions, please contact info@zionclearlake.org.


For ZYouth middle school students, confirmation is a wonderful time where they can declare their faith before their families and before God. Middle school students who wish to be confirmed will work with Youth Director Amanda Farmer as they grow more in understanding of their faith. For more information, contact Amanda Farmer at amandaf@zionclearlake.org.

Become a member

While church membership is not the goal (following Jesus is!), we would love it if you’d decide you want to officially join our church and become a member! Regardless of your official membership status, you are a valued component of our church It is our desire that you connect deeper within Zion through small groups and serving! That all being said, members are an important part of our church, and we need them in order to operate!

Our church regulations require that members be baptized as a follower of Jesus Christ and be confirmed as Lutheran. Our adult confirmation occurs bi-annually at our Zion Essentials dinner or through meeting with a Zion Pastor.

Still  not sure where to start? Contact Us

We know it can be hard to know where to start, but we're here to help. Reach out with any and all questions you have!