A series by Zion • Clear Lake

The book of Revelation isn't a book of doom and gloom - it's a book of hope for the hopeless

Intro to the Revelation series

In the first week of the "Thorns to Thrones" sermon series, we delve into the rich and often misunderstood book of Revelation, exploring its themes and symbolism. Despite our cultural associations with the apocalypse, the true meaning of "Revelation" is an unveiling of divine truth, intended to inspire hope rather than fear. This message challenges us to read Revelation with humility and imagination, recognizing its call to practical faith and perseverance amid life's uncertainties. Through an exploration of the text, we are reminded of God's sovereignty and the ultimate victory of Christ, encouraging us to live as mediators of His love and grace in the world. Join us as we embark on this journey to uncover the profound hope and purpose embedded in the pages of Revelation.

Why 7 churches? And other symbols

In this sermon, we explore the profound imagery and messages within the Book of Revelation, focusing on its unveiling of divine truth and hope. The sermon begins with a passage from Daniel, highlighting the eternal dominion and authority given to one like the "Son of Man," a vision that also resonates in Revelation. The speaker emphasizes that Revelation, often misunderstood as a book of doom, is actually a revelation (Greek: "Apokalypsis") meant to reveal God's ultimate victory and sovereignty. Amidst the historical context of persecution under Roman emperors like Nero and Domitian, Revelation serves as a message of hope and endurance for the early Christians and for us today. Through its rich symbolism and prophetic vision, the sermon encourages us to see Revelation as a call to faithfulness, urging us to recognize Jesus' presence and authority within the church and our lives, and to live without fear, trusting in His eternal power and love.

The letters to the 7 churches

Join us for week 3 of our sermon series, From the Thorns to the Throne, where we dive deep into Revelation 2-3, exploring the powerful messages in the seven letters to the churches. Discover the spiritual diagnoses Jesus gives and how they challenge us today—whether it's rekindling our love for Him, standing firm against false teachings, or awakening from spiritual apathy. These insights are not just for the early church but for all believers throughout history. Come be inspired and transformed as we uncover how to live faithfully in a world that often stands against the way of Jesus.

The Throneroom

Join us as we dive into the powerful message of Thorn to Throne, a journey through the Book of Revelation. This series uncovers Revelation’s hope-filled vision for followers of Jesus, past and present. Moving beyond common interpretations, we explore what it means to live faithfully amid a world that often stands against the teachings of Christ. Prepare to be challenged, encouraged, and inspired as we fix our eyes on the majesty and authority of Jesus, the Lamb who was slain and the King on the throne.

The Four Horsemen of the apocalypse

Explore the powerful imagery of Revelation as we continue our Thorn to Throne series, focusing on the striking vision of the Four Horsemen. In this message, we unpack each rider—conquest, war, famine, and death—considering how these forces reflect both ancient and present-day realities. Through this, we see that even in the face of turmoil, God’s mercy and sovereignty endure. Join us to discover the hope and purpose God provides, especially in challenging times.

The Seven Trumpets

This week, we’re diving into the wild world of Revelation's trumpets—where silence turns into a warning blast and things get intense! Each trumpet brings a twist, reminding us of what happens when we ignore the call to turn back to God. Curious how ancient plagues and heavenly trumpets still speak to us today? Let’s break it down!

The Woman, The Dragon and the Beasts

This week, we’re diving into a cosmic showdown straight out of Revelation—dragons, beasts, and battles, oh my! But don’t worry, the ultimate spoiler is in: Jesus wins, and His victory is ours to share. How do these wild images connect to the battles we face every day? Let’s break it down together! 

Seven Angels With Seven Plagues; The Seven Bowls

This week’s Thorn to Throne brings us to the bowls of wrath—yes, it’s intense, but there’s a twist. In the midst of judgment, we find powerful reminders of God’s justice, mercy, and the ultimate hope we have in Jesus. What does “It is done” mean for us today? Let’s dig into the hope behind the hard stuff!


This week in Thorn to Throne, we’re taking a closer look at Babylon—the glitzy, glamorous symbol of everything that pulls us away from God. Spoiler alert: Babylon falls, and God’s justice wins!

Are you living in Babylon, or just passing through? Let’s talk about how to stay grounded when the world pulls at your heart.

Rejoicing in Heaven

This week in Thorn to Throne, it’s all about celebration—heavenly “Hallelujahs,” a wedding feast, and the ultimate victory of the Lamb! God’s justice prevails, and the invitation to the marriage supper of the Lamb is extended to all.

What does it mean to RSVP “yes” to this eternal celebration? Let’s dig in!

A New Creation

This week, we’re wrapping up Thorns to Throne with a powerful look at Revelation’s final chapters—where Jesus wins, everything is made new, and we’re invited to bring a glimpse of heaven to earth right now.

What does “new creation” mean for your life today? Let’s talk about it!